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Celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee weekend

Celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee weekend with some games and activities the whole family can enjoy. Whether you have a street party, tea party, BBQ, or family gathering, here are some royal themed fun ideas to make the day truly special:

Treasure Hunt:
Create a checklist of Jubilee themed items or items associated with the queen e.g., something red, white or blue, teacup, crown, the number 70, scones etc and whoever is playing will need to find each of the items on the list in your house, classroom, party or wherever you are hosting. You can either have them take a picture of or with the item and cross it off as they find it, awarding bonus points to the most inventive or funny photos. Alternatively, to get more activity into the game, you could find items for teams to hide e.g., a photo of a corgi and one member of each team races to find it before the other. The fastest team wins!

Sleeping Corgis:
This game is played just like sleeping lions, one person is the queen and walks through the room trying to make everyone laugh, by impersonating the queen. The first person to make a sound is out. Continue until one player remains and is crowned the winner.
Jumping Jacks
A royal twist on musical statues, players must perform jumping jacks to the music, when the music stops the players must freeze, if caught moving they are out. Play until there is one successful victor.

Is there any game more quintessentially British? Sets can be purchased for under £20 and will be a firm favourite with all age groups and great to use for future parties.

Royal Bake-Off:
One for the foodies, who will be the Queen of the kitchen? Enjoy this simple wholesome fun, challenge guests to a royal bake off, if your ambitious you could try making the official Platinum pudding (lemon and swiss roll amaretti trifle). Select a royal panel of judges for the taste test and crown the best baker.

King of the Castle:
Teams must work together to build the best castle using either a collection of items found around the house/classroom etc Think cardboard boxes and tubes, tape, cushions, blankets, and anything that captures their imagination. Select categories and present prizes to your favourites. Make it more interesting by offering bonus points for meeting a list of criteria e.g., something gold.

Pass The Crown
A royal twist on pass the parcel, you could wrap a parcel up in the shape of a crown, or just use a crown and whoever is holding it when the music stops will get a prize.

Musical Thrones
Just like musical chairs, when the music stops you must seek out and sit on a chair, after each round remove a chair so there is one less chair than players, so each round will eliminate a player. The final player to claim the throne is the winner, and is the King or Queen of the festivities, make it more special by adding a royal robe, and crown to adorn the winner.

Jubilee Got Talent
Have a right royal time with a good old talent show! Younger guests can dress in their favourite prince or princess costumes. A great one to capture video and photos to look back in years to come.

Royal Piñata
Fill in royal themed with pinata with confetti, and retro British sweets like rhubarb and custard, chocolate coins, white mice, fried eggs, lemon sherbets and pink shrimp. It’s a great art project to get the kids involved in making and decorating the pinata before the big event.